1. I believe that over time amateur or homegrown production will continue to improve over time. The more people see these well done home grown productions the more people will practice the more people will do it themselves. However, i do not think that professional production will decline in quality. I think as a whole production and advertisement will grow in quality. i believe the pros will always have the better quality due to their funds that allow them more technology and equipment. however i have seen some amateur ads that have been pretty incredible through the use of photoshop and other software.
2. Basically I only use facebook as my social network website. I have a myspace too though. i actually made them both relatively around the same time. within a week of each other. I maybe used my myspace for 8 months and im still using facebook from 3 years ago. myspace was just too hard to navigate, i was getting to many "fake" friend requests from robots trying to advertise to me. It really just didnt give me what i wanted out of my social networking website. I wanted a fast and easy way to post blog entries, videos and pictures, and see what my friends were doing. facebook seemed like the perfect fit for me so i stuck with it and i have very few complaints. I believe if facebook didnt begin as it had. only for college students, it wont not have exploded as it did. facebook was like this secret society that you get into once you graduate highschool and everyone wanted to see what it was about. then once it went public to everyone and anyone, many people started making accounts. yes, facebook is here to stay, i even plan on seeing the new movie about facebook that comes out soon. very soon i think they will come out with their own music players (facepod) or something like that. they will expand this company as much as they can.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Photo Shop McLuhan Project Final Post !
The popular game of world of war craft has literally millions of users from across the world. World of Warcraft in a way is a breakthrough in human communications. Users of all ages, sizes, races, ethnic groups. religious groups, and both genders. It offers not only a fun game to play but what really makes this game special is its communication aspect. The original medium would actually be the game itself, however in this medium is a world of content, each its own medium as well. This game offers its users a wide variety of ways to communicate with other users, as well as the game itself. User to User communication can be as simple as moving your character and making him dance and make different motions toward another user, using a headset to speak, or even text chat is available. From here you can meet new people, meet your friends in the game, meet new friends in the game, pass information along, or even play the actual game with the other users. Users can even communicate with the game. If they are having problems or need information there are always admins on duty 24/7 that will come find you if you type in that you are in need of one. all that content in the game is a medium within itself with its own content. That's what makes this game so special, many vastly overlook how incredible of a communication medium World of Warcraft really is. The Message of World of Warcraft is enormous. Many students go home after school and log onto this virtual reality that is the World of Warcraft and talk about homework for next class and what they are doing the following week. There have even been people who have found the spouses on World of Warcraft ! This game really brings everyone together into this small world. whomever logs on, is immediately transported into this virtual world with a limitless amount of mediums and content to be apart of. The World of Warcraft is more than just a game, it is a technological breakthrough in human relationships.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
medium for the project
I will use World of Warcraft as my medium. I feel this is a very different and unique medium in that there are so many ways to interact with potentially millions of different users. Not only can you interact and have conversations with friends but you can meet new people from all across the world, all while having fun playing the game! Its almost as if you are in a virtual world and you can pick your name and character skin so you will be anonymous to whomever you come in contact with. If you wish to tell them more about yourself you may do so or you can continue to make up stories and just have a good time. there are so many ways to interact with people on so many different levels I think this game is a great medium to do the project with.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Troy Wilensky
Skype is a communication system in which two or more users can video chat with each other as well as make phone calls to each other through the Skype program; there is also an instant message system so it is easy to chat with others where distance isn't a factor. This creates new mediums within the Skype program such as body language.
World of Warcraft is a Massive Mutliplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) in which the many users can communicate with one another to either join forces to complete tasks together or simply spread information. This game can bring people together from litterally across the world, a person in America can communicate and interact with another player in Japan through this medium.iTunes is a program where you can listen to and download music, which can then be downloaded to ipods to be listened to. One can share music through iTunes by having someone else plug their iPod into their computer and vice versa. 
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