Skype is a communication system in which two or more users can video chat with each other as well as make phone calls to each other through the Skype program; there is also an instant message system so it is easy to chat with others where distance isn't a factor. This creates new mediums within the Skype program such as body language.
World of Warcraft is a Massive Mutliplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) in which the many users can communicate with one another to either join forces to complete tasks together or simply spread information. This game can bring people together from litterally across the world, a person in America can communicate and interact with another player in Japan through this medium.iTunes is a program where you can listen to and download music, which can then be downloaded to ipods to be listened to. One can share music through iTunes by having someone else plug their iPod into their computer and vice versa. 
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